avr 2023 Médusée

Tournage étudiant de l’ISPRA

– Lise Royo
– Jim Terrebutée
– Lucie Jorgic
– Amain Bodiguel
– Tara Esteve
– Elie Mocco
– Hélène Dedryvère

– Romane Drici

Equipe technique:
– Yann Serra
– Damien Baron
– Tara Esteves
– Charlotte Bouquet
– Hugo Balesdens
– Nicolas Bellocq
– Marc Bautista
– Quentin Lalanne
– Robin Milan
– Axel Adda
– Helian Deyssard
– Loïc Henry
– Jules Nicolas
– Elie Mocco
– Sara Bellier
– Leos Waltz
– Maelle Nedelec
– Marycarmen Ferrer
– Elise Bonifasau
– Solal Fournier
– Loran Gouy

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